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הספדים / Eulogies

Sammy Harari is a soul from the Land of Israel who was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York.

Immediately after graduating from high school, he immigrated to Israel alone, studied in a yeshiva, and enlisted in the IDF to become a fighter and commander. He then met his wife, Anna, and together they built their home in Israel and raised their three children.

Sammy Harari was a devoted son, a remarkable father, a loving husband, and a true friend to countless people in the United States and Israel. This page is a collection of the eulogies that were said at the funeral and reflects a little of his personality that we miss so much.

Sammy fell defending the homeland on Hoshana Rabbah, the eve of Simchat Torah, 5775, in a heroic battle at Jabal Blatt in southern Lebanon during the 'Iron Swords' War.

This page is a heartfelt tribute from the many lives Sammy touched throughout his journey. His brothers, parents, children, wife, and friends will feel his absence every single day. May the words of those who loved Sammy bring comfort and solace to our grief.

שמואל הררי ז״ל הוא נשמה ארץ-ישראלית שנולד וגדל בברוקלין, ניו יורק. מיד בסיום התיכון עלה לבדו ארצה, למד בישיבה וממנה התגייס לצה״ל להיות לוחם ומפקד. כאן הכיר את אשתו, אנה, ויחד בנו את ביתם בישראל, וגידלו את שלושת ילדיהם.

שמואל היה איש מיוחד וחכם, צנוע וחייכן, ונגע בחייהם של רבים ממכריו וחבריו לאורך השנים בישראל. דף זה הוא לקט מההספדים שנאמרו בהלוויה והוא משקף במעט את אישיותו שחסרה לנו כל כך. 

שמואל נפל על הגנת המולדת בהושענא רבה, ערב שמחת תורה תשפ״ה בקרב גבורה בג׳בל בלאט בדרום לבנון במלחמת ׳חרבות ברזל׳.

יהיו הדברים לדכרו - נחמה למשפחתו ולכל אוהביו.


אני לא יודעת ממה להתחיל בעצם, אני קודם כל רוצה להגיד תודה לכל מי שפה הערב, כל מי שכתב לי משהו, כל מי שאכפת לו ולא כתב. אני רוצה להגיד תודה למשפחה שלי, שזו גם המשפחה של שמואל כמובן, אותה חבילה. להורים שלי, לאחיות שלי, ליאורה, נעמי, אלי, אח שלי, סטף, אייבי, ג'ו, ג'ייקוב וקולט, באמת תודה לכולכם. אבל אני במיוחד רוצה להגיד תודה לשמואל בעלי, אני אנסה לקרוא מה שכתבתי ואני מקווה שתבינו.


שמואל אהובי, אני רוצה להגיד לך תודה, תודה על מי שהיית, עבורי ועבור הילדים, עבור המשפחה שלך ועבור החברים שלך, ועכשיו עבור כל עם ישראל. תודה שבחרת בי כאישה שנתת לי את הזכות להיות איתך ולצידך 12 שנה. תודה שבנוסף לאינספור מתנות, מחמאות שהיית נותן לי יום יום, גם נתת לי את היקר מהכל, שלושת ילדינו האהובים, עידן, גבריאל ויעל, שהם ההמשכיות שלך בעולם הזה. יפים גיבורים, חכמים, חייכנים כמוך. עבור הילדים, תודה שהייתה אבא מושלם עבורם, שיצאת איתם

לקמפינג, לאינספור טיולים בטבע, ליהנות מארץ היפה, שכל כך אהבת, ללמוד עליה ולחוות אותה. 

תודה שחיית לפי הערכים שלך, ותמיד ידעת לראות את התמונה הגדולה, שהלכת להילחם עבורנו, בלית להתלונן, אפילו לא פעם אחת, על המילואים. זה היה עבורך זכות, ואם שאלתי איך אתה מתמודד עם קשיים, היית אומר לי, "אין קשיים, יש חוויות. ואנה, שתדעי שיש פה את האנשים הכי טובים, משהו לא נורמלי". הדבר היחיד שהיה קשה לך, זה היה להיות רחוק מאיתנו, וגם לנו כמובן, היה מאוד קשה, להיות בלעדיך, לאורך רוב השנה שחלפה, אבל ידענו שאתה גיבור ישראל, ואתה פועל לפי ערכים שהיו לך כל החיים. אהבת ישראל, גבורה, דאגה לאחר, שלום.


אתה היציבות שלנו, שמואל, ותודה גם על זה. אתה לא מלח הארץ, אבל אתה הדבש הכי משובח מחו"ל. אני אתגעגע אליך, למתיקות בעיניך, לחיוך על השפתיים שלך. אני לא יכולה לדמיין חיים בלעדיך, הכאב שורף והלב פצוע, רק תיתן לי קצת מהכוח והיציבות שלך, כדי להמשיך בעולם הזה בלעדיך. בזכות ארץ ישראל נפגשנו, ולמען ארץ ישראל, אנחנו נפרדים.

מתפללת שהילדים שלנו, יקטפו את הפירות של המלחמה הקשה הזאת, שיזכו לחיות במקום בטוח, בעזרת השם בשלום. תשמור על כולנו מלמעלה. אני גם מתפללת לרפואה שלמה, של כל החיילים הגיבורים שנפצעו איתך בלחימה. שהשם יתן לכם, לכל החברים של שמואל, עוד כוח, גם לכם וגם למשפחות שלכם, שיתן לכם כוח להמשיך. ללכת לקרב, ולהמשיך להילחם עבורנו, כי זה מאוד לא מובן מאליו. אז אני אומרת עוד תודה לשמואל, אבל גם תודה לכולכם, ותודה שהייתם איתו, לכל אורך השנה, הייתם הכי חשובים לו בעולם. אני גם משתתפת בצער של המשפחות של הנופלים שנפלו לצידו, ניימן, אמויאל, שובאל, שמות ששמעתי לכל אורך השנה.


אני מתגעגעת אליך שמואל

Jacob Harari


Baruch Dayan HaEmet. I am sorry I cannot speak in Lashon Hakodesh. It’s something I had hoped to learn when we talked about visiting Israel for a few months to spend time together.


Today, we gather to mourn the loss of our son Samuel, whose life was taken from us far too soon. At just 35 years of age. Sammy's passing leaves an unfillable void in the lives of all who knew and loved him.


Born with a heart full of courage and conviction, Sammy's journey took him down a path that few could have ventured. At just 16, he made the bold decision to leave the comfort and security of his home to follow his dreams and his faith to Israel.


Though we, his parents, may not have understood or supported his choice at the time, Sammy’s determination and passion only grew stronger.


As he built a new life for himself, here in Israel, Sammy became a devoted father of three precious children, and a loving husband to Anna. His family was his rock, and he was theirs. His smile could light up a room, and his love for his children knew no bounds.


But Samuel's story is not just one of love and family; it's also one of conviction and sacrifice.He stood strong for what he believed in, even in the face of adversity. His commitment to his faith and his community inspired countless others to make Aliya.


Tragically, Sammy’s life was cut short by an act of senseless violence. A sucker punch from an evil group of cowards took him from us, leaving us with only memories and tears. But he gave hope and courage to his fellow soldiers and this nation , to continue the fight against those that tried, for thousands of years, and are still trying to destroy us.

To all these animals, less than animals we say YOU LIKE YOUR PREDECESSORS, YOU WILL FAIL as you have for thousands of years.





As we say goodbye to our Samuel, Sammy, SEMSEM as he was known as a child, we remember his unwavering spirit, his infectious smile, and his unconditional love. We recall his words,"I'll be OK, Ma and Pa," you worry too much.

He was an avid enthusiast for his family tree, wanting to know everything about his Egyptian heritage. He loved his garden and his books which he devoured daily.


To Anna, his wife, and their three beautiful children, we offer our deepest condolences. May Samuel's love and legacy continue to guide you through these darkest of times to better days. Beezrat Hashem. 

To Anna's parents Sofia and Shaul Benchimol, I want to tell you that he always held you in the highest regards. Thank you for all the support you gave him here is Israel.


To Sammy, our dear son, we say: your courage, conviction, and love for Israel will never be forgotten. You will always be in our hearts, and your memory will inspire us to live with purpose and conviction.


Rest in peace, dear Samuel.

Your sacrifice will not be in vain..

We will continue our fight.

We will win it for you.

You were the jewel in our crown.


Jacob Harari.

Stephanie Harari


To my little brother Sammy.

Where do I even begin?

You were always the happiest child, always with a smile.

Ma and pa raised an extraordinary child.


You left the house at 17 to live in Israel, our real home, on your own.

You joined the IDF, on your own.

You served bravely for 3 years, on your own.

You went to school to become an engineer and started a career for yourself, on your own.

And then you found Anna.

I remember Isaac and I were in Israel with Abie and Jacob who were just little boys.

You asked us to meet Anna with a sparkle in your eye.

And we saw why.

You were no longer on your own.

She was your future.

Anna, you are one of the strongest bravest funniest women I have ever met.Beautiful on the inside and out, you two were both so blessed that hashem chose you for one another.


Your wedding was so incredibly happy.

You built a home and have three amazing children who are the light of your life.


What an amazing father I had the zechut to watch my little brother become.

Always happy, always with his kids, always so involved and always smiling.

Always reading them bedtime stories, going to the park, going on tiyulim, just an amazing father.


Idan, so sweet with his wonderfully inquizitive mind, thoughtful and mature beyond his years.

Gabi, his mischievous happy smile- the way he tells you things with a glimmer in his eye and his innocent love of life.

Yael, beautiful so sweet and trusting, just looked at Sammy with such love.


Your wonderful children, a true testament to the beautiful life you and Anna built together in eretz yisrael. More joy and mazal than most people get in a lifetime.


One year ago was October 7th. Ma and Pa were in Tzfat with you on simchat Torah. You came to them in your uniform and told them something bad happened and you had to go. This past year you served tirelessly on the northern border and then in Gaza. You went to fight for eretz yisrael with all your heart, always unwavering.


I selfishly asked you so many times not to go back. You told me that you served with the bravest men you knew who had 4, 5, 6 children, how could you possibly not go back? Just like when you were 17, you knew what you had to do and always did the right thing.


This past summer thank gd we spent a month together and we have memories we will always hold onto.


Our kids got to spend so much time with yours. At the beach, on the porch, running around the house, at shul, shabbat meals. Just the simple joys of living every day life. Something we should never take for granted. We will never forget it and Beezrat Hashem will always be able to be together.


Right before Rosh Hashanah Anna told me how relieved she was that you were spending the holiday with her. And then you got the call. And none of us were breathing since you left. When you and I spoke after Yom Kippur when you came out of Lebanon you sounded different. Serious. I know you and the brave men you served with did things over there that stopped the enemy, yimach shemo, from hurting more of am yisrael and you were ready to go back to do more.


That knowledge was confirmed to me by your platoon and squad leader. They all told us that if not for the reservists and young soldiers that went into Lebanon, there would still be enough weapons, and tunnels to carry out another October 7th times 100 Gd forbid.


You are so incredibly brave, a real hero, a מלאך from hashem, that we had the zechut toknow and love for 35 years. Not nearly enough time.


Sammy, we love you so much and we love Anna Idan Gabi and Yael with all of our hearts. It’s so hard being so far away but Baruch hashem Anna has amazing parents, sisters, brother, and friends who take such good care. And we will always be there for them.


The phone call I got from Anna as the holiday started in Brooklyn was the most heart shattering conversation I have ever had. My girls watched me scream, cry and crumble. Isaac told pa because I couldn’t and I watched him ma Joe & Abie shatter. It was the hardest thing I have ever seen in my entire life. It’s so painful right now here for us but Isaac just said to me that the pain is just here, and that you are at peace with הקדוש ברוך הוא.


I know in my heart that hashem will give Anna the strength she needs and she will be ok and the kids will be ok, now that you are watching over all of us from שמים. Beezrat hashem your children will have amazing childhoods hearing all about you and grow to be amazing men and women who have all of yours and Anna’s amazing qualities. Beezrathashem they should always be safe and happy the way youboth made them. We love you always and we will keep you with us always in our minds and in our hearts.


Our dear brave brother, son, husband and father. Baruch Dayan Emet.



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